Americana Table Setting

I come from a family of planners. We are known for our many lists, expert packing skills, Christmas presents bought and wrapped before Thanksgiving, and perusing restaurant menus online so we are prepared when we arrive. Naturally, I typically have our summer plans solidified by March 1st. That is not the case this year. I think at this point I may try to embrace a spontaneous attitude toward the next several months. If you know me personally, you’re probably laughing at my last remark. It’s worth a try!

I have a gorgeous red, white, and blue table setting for all of you who are planning to entertain this summer. All of the pieces are from Pottery Barn for quick and easy shopping.

Never Have I Ever Bedroom Inspiration

I woke up an hour earlier than usual today. I knew it was going to be a busy day and I wanted to give myself a little extra time so that I didn’t feel rushed all day. My plan worked until 7:45 am. Unfortunately, my grocery order wasn’t ready on time and while I was waiting for it, I realized my son had forgotten his lunch. I headed back to the school to drop it off and then returned to the grocery store to grab my order. I thought I could make up some time by carrying all the groceries into the house in just two loads instead of three. Unfortunately, my juggling skills are not great. Cleaning up the spilled milk put me even farther behind. I took a deep breath and decided to enjoy the day and let it progress naturally. The world will not end if I don’t finish my to-do list. I would, however, regret not taking the time to indulge in the little things that make me happy. Design boards inspired by television shows always make me happy. Today’s version is full of bold colors and bohemian influences. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Eclectic Grandpa Design Style

Move over grandmillennial style. It’s time to make room for eclectic grandpa. To achieve an eclectic grandpa design style, incorporate a mix of vintage furniture pieces, such as ornate wooden chests or velvet armchairs. Layer in cozy elements like crocheted throws or patchwork quilts for a nostalgic touch. Display collections of unique items like old bottles, clocks, or antique books to add character. Embrace mismatched patterns and colors for curtains, rugs, and upholstery to create a lived-in and eclectic feel. Integrate traditional elements like botanical prints or Persian-style rugs to enhance the grandpa aesthetic. Remember, the key is to blend old-world charm with unexpected details to achieve an eclectic grandpa home design style. I’ve created two design boards to inspire you. I know that everyone’s budgets are a little different, so the second board is a look for less.

How To Make Your Camper Feel Cozy and Welcoming

I’ve slept in a tent exactly two times. Both times included bad weather and an army of mosquitos. I decided that I just wasn’t a camping person, but recently I’ve been rethinking this. Is it possible that I would enjoy camping if I got to sleep inside a camper? I think I might really enjoy the experience if the camper felt cozy and welcoming. I love adding color and fun accessories to give a camper a more personal touch. It can be decorated in bolder colors than you might typically use in your home because you are only in the camper for short stays and won’t tire of the decor as quickly.

To add color and whimsical decor to make your camper feel cozy and welcoming, consider the following tips:

  • Colorful Textiles: Use vibrant throw pillows, blankets, and rugs to add pops of color and comfort to your camper's interior.

  • Wall Art: Hang colorful art pieces or tapestries to create visual interest and tie the decor together.

  • Curtains and Linens: Choose fun, colorful curtains and linens to brighten up the space and add personality.

  • Plants: Incorporate small potted plants or fake greenery for a touch of nature and freshness.

  • Lighting: Install string lights or colorful lanterns to create a cozy ambiance in the evenings.

  • Decorative Accents: Display quirky knick-knacks, figurines, or souvenirs to inject personality and whimsy into your camper.

By incorporating these colorful and whimsical elements, you can transform your camper into a cozy and inviting space where you can relax and enjoy your travels and hopefully avoid an army of mosquitos.

Tween Boy Bedroom Refresh

Do you have a favorite color? I was taught that interior designers should never answer this question. The answer might scare away potential clients. Oliver, my middle child, doesn’t hide his favorite color from anybody. Yellow has always been his favorite color and he displays it so often that it has become a signature part of him. It is easy to pick him out in a crowd because of his yellow Jansport backpack or his yellow Reeboks. I was not surprised when he asked if we could paint his room yellow. Yellow can be a tough color to use on all four walls, but I plan on balancing out the intensity with a lot of white and gray. Below is the concept board. I hope to share the photos of his room very soon!